The Archive of Jenny Kisler

In 2020 Jenny Kisler sadly passed away at the age of 84. Her Rupert archive had been kindly handed over to The Followers of Rupert by her children in 2022. The Followers are very grateful for that. At the Followers Fun Day and AGM last september, 2023 her children,...

The restoring and coloring of Rupert and the Weather man

Mark Manley: Restoring and Colouring a Rupert story from 1964 Although it seems unbelievable, it is however a sad fact that there are some Rupert stories in existence who have never appeared in book form. These stories by Alfred Bestall were originally published as...

Followers’ Annual Fun Day 2023

A wonderful AGM/Fun Day at the Radcliffe Centre on 2 September 2023. A report has appeared in the WinterNutwood Newsletter 2023 and photos and Minutes of the AGM are on the Members' side of the website.

Rupert in the Express August 2023

Rupert’s Deep Sea Adventure commenced on Sunday 27th August 2023 with Rupert and his Mummy heading towards Greyport on holiday.  Not sure why the need for a change of seaside holiday destination, nor why Daddy Bear is not tagging along with them unless he has to stay...

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