The Followers of Rupert Bear

Official Rupert Bear Society





Some Useful Links

Here are some links to other websites that may well be of interest to followers of Rupert. Please look and enjoy. If you have a site that you think could be included here, send an e-mail to Chris Hellen, Membership Secretary at with more details.

Stella & Rose's Books

Specialists in rare & collectable books with a large selection of Rupert Annuals and Adventure Series normally available



David Schutte

David Schutte specialises in children's books and artwork and has a wide selection of Rupert items available

Howard Smith

Howard is a well-known author and lecturer on graphic icons of the 20th century, including Rupert but also on others that may well be of interest to Followers.


For more details see Howard's website  or have a look at an introductory video to the lectures on YouTube  -


And a couple of other Ruperty Links:

Then Secretary and long-standing Follower, John Beck,  thought this link, to Surrey Life on-Line, would be of interest. Have a look:
Click here: Rupert in Surrey Life

One of our members felt that the following link to Mark Radcliffe talking about his lifelong fondness for Rupert may be of interest to some of you.
Click here: BBC Link

The Followers of Rupert Bear

The official Rupert Bear Society Websites

Rupert Bear © ™ Express Newspapers.
The Followers of Rupert are grateful for permission to use the images on this website.

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