The Followers of Rupert Bear

Official Rupert Bear Society





Get in touch with us

Please note, we are a Society for Members and

unless you are a member, we are NOT:

  • able to advise about the value of Rupert Books or other Rupert-related items
  • answer specific questions about Rupert stories or publications
  • offer any facility for sale of your own Rupert items

Such information is, of course, discussed amongst Society Members.

If you are interested in the Society and wish to join us, please send us an email, or if you prefer to contact us by post or telephone, our contact details are below.

Postal address

The Followers of Rupert Bear
The Secretary, Alan Murray
350, Rullion Road
EH26 9AD

Contact number

Alan Murray (Hon Secretary) - Tel: ‭0131 650 5589‬ or ‭01968 678610‬ - for general queries

Email the Followers

General queries: Followers' Secretary Alan Murray:

Membership queries: Membership Secretary, Chris Hellen at

Privacy Notice for Non-Members

The Followers of Rupert will hold the name and e-mail address of individuals who have contacted us through our website. We will use this information only to reply to the specific query raised and any subsequent follow up requested by the individual making contact. If the individual has given their consent at the time of making initial contact, we will hold and use the information to provide further details of membership and other activities of the Followers, otherwise it will not be held beyond the time necessary for dealing with the request.  It will not be supplied to any other organisation of individual or used for any other purpose in either case

Not a Follower?  Join here

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Please note:
On odd occasions, people have thought we have not replied - when we have.
Please check your spam filters or adjust settings to note that is an address from which it is alright to receive mail.



The Followers of Rupert Bear

The official Rupert Bear Society Websites

Rupert Bear © ™ Express Newspapers.
The Followers of Rupert are grateful for permission to use the images on this website.

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