
Issue Number | 1 |
Produced in | Spring 2011 |
Stories | Rupert and the Imps' Plot |
Information about the stories | This story originally appeared in the Daily Express from 1st May to 4th June 1971. The story was scripted by Freddie Chaplain who also provided the captions. The artwork is by Alex Cubie. |

Issue Number | 2 |
Produced in | Summer 2011 |
Stories | Rupert and the Puppet Cave Rupert and the Picnic Trick Rupert and the Ramblers |
Information about the stories | Rupert and the Puppet Cave appeared in the Express from 19th July 1967 to 2nd September 1967 and was later reprinted in the paper from 25th July 1977 to 10th September 1977. It is avisit to Sandy Bay for Rupert and his parents who take along Gregory Guinea-pig as company for Rupert. No landlady Mrs Tiger this time as they are staying in a quaint seaside cottage, which is an upturned boat. The chums have plenty of bucket and spade time on the beach and meet Willie Winkie the Sandman and Martin the puppet master. Freddie Chaplain wrote the story and the artist is Jennifer Kisler. Rupert and the Picnic Trick featured in the Daily Express from 12th May 1970 to 2nd July 1970 The action takes place in the Nutwood countryside. On the cast list are the Imps of Spring plus a number of traditional chums including Rosalie and a cameo appearance for Dr Lion. Some underground adventures plus a visit to the Nutwood Fete add to the summery atmosphere. The story idea and captions are by Freddie Chaplain and the artist is Alex Cubie and there is a note on the official file envelope that there was a delay of four days during publication due to strikes. Rupert and the Ramblers is another Chaplain/Cubie offering. Originally printed in the Express from 5th June 1971 to 14th July 1971, it was then reprinted from 12th July 1982 to 19th August 1982. The story features Odmedod and his trainee Didmedoo with the action taking place locally in the Nutwood countryside. It is interesting to be able to compare the different artist's illustrations. Jenny Kisler very much styled her panel images on those of Bestall, and her frames have a similar fine delineation. Alex Cubie however was more "cartoony" in his approach, with much of his background detail less well defined and often shown with a few quick pen strokes. It is also believed he had a problem with Rupert´s eyes, and some of the images in Rupert and the Ramblers would seem to confirm that. |

Issue Number | 3 |
Produced in | Winter 2011 |
Stories | Rupert and the West Wind Rupert and the Peggiwegs |
Information about the stories | Rupert and the West Wind This never reprinted storyappeared in the Daily Express in 1979 from the 17th January to 16th February. It was illustrated by Lucy Matthews´ who also supplied the story idea and captions according to the official records. Nutwood stalwarts including the Old Professor and Wise Old Goat are featured, as is the Clerk of the Weather and the early panels provide a pleasing insight into the Bear´s domestic life. Lucy stated when interviewed, (see NN33), that St Michael´s Mount in Cornwall was the inspiration for the island featured in episode 23. It is also interesting to see the panel layout changes made during the story´s run. Rupert and the Peggiwegs is illustrated by Jenny Kisler who was probably the artist who, along with Lucy Matthews, came the nearest to achieving the classic Bestall style in the early post-Bestall period. It is an interesting adventure featuring a couple of chums, Bingo and Billy Goat, who only ever made occasional appearances in stories. Official records note that the story idea and artist´s script were by Freddie Chaplain, and Muriel Willa supplied the captions. The story ran from 31st December 1974 to 29th January 1975. Panel 22 was the last one in the painting competition series running at that time, and it is also recorded that Rupert was removed from the Express leader page from No 12 onwards. |

Issue Number | 4 |
Produced in | Spring 2012 |
Stories | Rupert and the Winter Tree Rupert and the Spelling Bee |
Information about the stories | Rupert and the Winter Tree ran in the Daily Express from 17th February 1979 to 11th April 1979. In these early day of illustrating Rupert(this was only John Harrold's sixth published story), he was probably having to base his images on examples supplied by Freddie Chaplain for guidance and his Rupert faces seem very much in the style of Alex Cubie who was the "official" Rupert artist at that time after Bestall retired. At this time John´s personal Rupert style that we are familiar with was yet to develop but it is interesting to note that his drawing of the King in this story is very similar to other human characters that he included in his later stories. Incidentally, the Roc and Little Roc featured here are very similar to Stuart Trotter´s Snowbird images in the 2010 Rupert Annual. Rupert seems to be very good at rescuing exotic birds and their eggs. Rupert and the Spelling Bee is John´s fourth contribution to the Daily Express pages. His first story, Rupert and the Worried Elves, was reprinted in the 1986 Rupert Annual and the Followers have already reprinted the next two, Rupert and the Tattered Clothes in NN68, and Rupert and the Inventor´s Rocket in NN74. This offering originally appeared in the Daily Express from 19th July 1978 to 5th September 1978. |

Issue Number | 5 |
Produced in | Summer 2012 |
Stories | Rupert and the Gaffer's Birthday Rupert and the Caravan Mouse |
Information about the stories | Rupert and the Gaffer´s Birthday appeared in the Daily Express from 22nd April 1978 to 22nd May 1978. The idea and artist´s script was by Freddie Chaplain and the artwork and story captions were by Lucy Matthews.This Nutwood based story features Mary, whose garden is troubled by the attention of a Learner Imp. Granny Goat also makes a welcome appearance. Rupert and the Caravan Mouse, an Alex Cubie illustrated story which is written, scripted and captioned by Freddie Chaplain,appeared in the Daily Express from 9th June 1976 to 29th July 1976. This is a Nutwood summer story, which sees a welcome return of Beppo who originally featured in some Mary Tourtel stories. He also appeared in some early ones by Alfred Bestall before being "rested" as he was deemed a bad influence on young readers. |

Issue Number | 6 |
Produced in | Winter 2012 |
Stories | Rupert and the New Carol Rupert and the Ice Crackers |
Information about the stories | Rupert and the New Carol is the story Daily Express readers were following over the Christmas of 1974 when it ran from the 19thOctober until the 30thDecember. With 60 episodes it was one of the longest strips to appear in the paper and it was never reprinted.Freddie Chaplain has written the story and the artwork is by Alex Cubie.The story features Simple Simon and King Cole and although the main story takes place in King Cole´s Palace, there is a very seasonal Nutwood start and finish. The story features three episodes that formed part of an on-going painting competition and winners of the previous one are noted and printed here in case someone you know might have been a winner. Rupert and the Ice Crackers another story from the Freddie Chaplain and Alex Cubie team that appeared in the daily paper, starting on the 31stDecember 1973 and running until 16thFebruary 1974. It was subsequently reprinted in the Daily Express from 27thDecember 1982 to 12thFebruary 1984. It is a lovely seasonal story that features Jack Frost and a visit to King Frost´s castle. |

Issue Number | 7 |
Produced in | Spring 2013 |
Stories | Rupert and the Winged Hat Rupert and the Cub Scout |
Information about the stories | Rupert and the Winged Hat appeared just after Alfred Bestall retired and was written and drawn by Freddie Chaplain and Alex Cubie. It first appeared in the Daily Express between 30th March and 24th May 1967 and appeared in the paper again in 1978. It features a visit by Rupert to the King of the Birds. Rupert and the Cub Scout was illustrated by Jenny Kisler and written by Freddie Chaplain. It appeared in the Daily Express between 14th February and 29th March 1967. The main chums who appeared in this adventure were two of the Girl Guides. |

Issue Number | 8 |
Produced in | Summer 2013 |
Stories | Rupert and the Tea Set Rupert and the Mudlark |
Information about the stories | Rupert and the Tea Set appeared betwwen 15th April 1968 and 1st June 1968, just after Alfred Bestall had ceased supplying stories for the Daily Express. The story was drawn by Alex Cubie from a Freddie Chaplian script and featured Gregory Guinea pig and the Fox brothers. Rupert and the Mudlark involved a water shortage in and around Nutwood. Jenny Kisler was the artist and Freddie Chaplain the story writer. |

Issue Number | 9 |
Produced in | Winter 2013 |
Stories | Rupert and the New Scarf Rupert and the Snowcap |
Information about the stories | Supplement no 9 was issued to Followers in December 2013. Since then, of course, thrice-yearly editions have been issued to Members of the Followers. |
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