A very special treat ...
is on its way for Members.
We advised Members in the summer newsletter to look out for a very special treat this autumn - and here it is!
Howard Smith, lecturer, historian and author has revamped and updated his presentation Rupert, the Anthropomorphic Bear, to celebrate the Little Bear's centenary (those of you who have attended Warwick in the last two or three years will be familiar with Howard, his wonderful presentations and his book Rupert, the Bear Facts).
Especially for members of the Followers, Howard has arranged for there to be an exclusive private listing of the presentation, on the Members' side of the website for a two-week period: 6th to 19th November.
Members for whom we have a current e.mail address will be sent an e.mail with a direct link, but all other Full and E.members will be able to view the lecture here, by logging on during those dates and following the link that will be there, on the Members' Home Page.