Printer: Farshore, an imprint of Harper Collins
Cost: £10.99
Artists: This annual contains stories by three Rupert artists
Stories: Rupert and Poll Parrot – Alfred Bestall
Rupert and April Showers – Stuart Trotter
Rupert and the Secret Path – Alfred Bestall
Rupert and the Water Boatman – John Harrold
Rupert and the Silent Dog – Alfred Bestall
Rupert and the Deep Freeze – John Harrold

Facsimile: No facsimile of the annual has been produced

This annual is the 87th Rupert annual.

At their annual meeting, members of the Followers of Rupert are able to have copies signed personally for them by Stuart Trotter, the current Rupert artist, who has drawn and written a new story for this annual.

The new story by Stuart Trotter for this 2022 annual is a lovely tale titled Rupert and April Showers

Followers of Rupert know that the year of publication is the current year, so that the 2022 annual is the one in the shops from Autumn 2022. The 2020 Annual, which coincided with Rupert's Centenary, rapidly sold out in the shops and is no longer available.

This was released in August 2022

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