Printer: Egmont
Cost: £9.99
Artists: This annual contains seven stories by five different Rupert artists
Stories: Rupert and the Boomerarrow - John Harold
Rupert and the Pepper-Rose - Alfred Bestall
Rupert and the Secret Shell - Jenny Kisler
Rupert and the Sundial - John Harold
Rupert and the Snow Puzzle - Alex Cubie
Rupert and the Christmas Birds - Stuart Trotter
Rupert and the Goblin Cobbler - Alfred Bestall
Facsimile: No facsimile of this annual has been produced

This annual was published in March 2017.  It is the 82nd Rupert annual.

As with the 2016 annual, this contains more story pages than had been the case in recent years - more like the 'old' Rupert annual format.

Members of the Followers of Rupert are able to buy copies signed by Stuart Trotter, the current Rupert artist, who has drawn and written a new story for this annual, at their annual meeting.

Followers of Rupert know that the year of publication is the current year so that the 2017 annual is the one in the shops at Christmas 2017.  Many publishers issue annuals at Christmas and title them for the coming year.

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