The Followers of Rupert Bear

Official Rupert Bear Society





   Renew Now

You may renew your membership by PayPal, by cheque or by on-line banking. Please help us by renewing in good time. Please consider renewing by a subscription with automatic yearly payments.

If you have any questions about your membership or wish to provide additional information on your renewal, please contact the Membership Secretary using Remember to quote your membership number.

Please be aware that renewal is a manual process involving a human being who does not work 24/7 on Rupert matters. We try to complete the process as soon as possible, generally within 48 hours and usually much quicker, but please bear with us on this. If you have any concerns do contact the Membership Secretary using Remember to quote your membership number.

If you prefer, you may download and print our joining/renewal form and send it with payment {Sterling cheques and POs only} to the Membership Secretary - details in 'Contact us' and on the form here.

Renewing by PayPal

Click the appropriate PayPal option button in one of the grey boxes below to renew. The main options allow you to pay for a single year, for 3 years, or to take out an automatic subscription. We encourage you to subscribe as it reduces our admin and means that you never forget to renew!

You do not need a PayPal account to renew via PayPal as it also allows you to use your credit card.

Please include your membership number. Full members will find this on the address label of their Nutwood Newsletter.

Full members please also choose the appropriate postal region.

When you renew on-line you will be sent an immediate confirmation from PayPal and subsequently a confirmation e-mail from the Followers.

Electronic membership - £15 yearly


  • Full access to the shop
  • Full access to the website content
  • Electronic copies of newsletters and other publications
  • Voting rights at the members AGM

Your membership no.

Full individual membership £31 yearly in the UK

(£37 elsewhere in Europe, £44 rest of world)


  • Full access to the shop
  • Full access to the website content
  • Printed copies of the newsletter and other publications
  • Electronic copies of newsletters and other publications
  • Voting rights at the members AGM

Select your region
Your membership no.

Full joint membership £33 yearly in the UK

(£39 elsewhere in Europe, £46 rest of world)

All the benefits of full membership for both partners of a couple, though only one copy of printed material is sent.


Select your region
Your membership no.

Full individual membership for 3 years £88 in the UK

(£104 elsewhere in Europe, £125 rest of world)

All the benefits of full membership for three years.


Select your region
Your membership no.

Full joint membership for 3 years £93 yearly in the UK

(£109 elsewhere in Europe, £130 rest of world)

All the benefits of full membership for both partners of a couple, though only one copy of printed material is sent, for three years.


Select your region
Your membership no.


Renewal by Bank Transfer

You may now renew by electronic bank transfer / BACS from UK bank accounts. To do this follow your bank’s instructions for setting up a new payee for which you will need some or all of the following details:

Bank: Barclays
Branch: Business Direct Support Central
Sort Code: 20-45-45
Account number: 23593940
Account name: The Followers of Rupert membership
Reference: your membership no.  - for full members this is printed on the address label of your Nutwood Newsletter

Please allow 48 hours for any membership updates to be processed

Data Privacy Statement
We do keep limited personal data of members (names, addresses and, if provided, phone numbers and email addresses) which we believe is collected, processed and secured appropriately. This information is used only for the legitimate interests of membership, such as distributing the Nutwood Newsletter and other information to members, maintaining the membership records, processing renewals, communicating to members individually on membership matters where appropriate, and, if the member has requested these services, access to the members’ area of our website and our Facebook group.

Members’ information is shared by certain committee members in order to undertake their duties for the Followers. We supply members’ addresses to our printers to enable them to mail the Nutwood Newsletter, which addresses they will then destroy when that process is completed. Otherwise we do not provide data to any other organisation or individual.

We have, as required under the new regulations, formally appointed a ‘data protection officer’ and ‘data controller’. These roles are now assigned to our Membership Secretary, Chris Hellen. We have also produced a Data Protection policy, which will be reviewed regularly by your Committee. If you have any concerns about any of this, or as a member would like a copy of our Data Protection policy or would like to see the details we hold on you, please contact our Membership Secretary,


The Followers of Rupert Bear

The official Rupert Bear Society Websites

Rupert Bear © ™ Express Newspapers.
The Followers of Rupert are grateful for permission to use the images on this website.

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